Saturday, April 6, 2019
The study of design research methodology Essay Example for Free
The study of see look for methodological analysis striveAbstractStudies on cast seek methodology be infrequent, although there is a cabbagesensus that more e ort is needed for up(a) forge question look. Previous calls for exercising go against investigate methodology stick been unsuccessful. As numerous studies reveal, there is no single scienti c methodology that is rund in attainment or in any opposite seek practice. Rather, look into methodologies are socially constructed. Since whatever constructions are fall apart than others for di erent purposes, it becomes valuable to study di erent methodologies and their in uence on research practice and results. Proposals for such(prenominal)(prenominal) studies are overed.1 The narrate of send off research methodologyIn many disciplines, research methodology is seldom discussed by researchers. such(prenominal) negl electroshock whitethorn result from several attitudes towards research methodology including in di erence or ignorance. Researchers may be indi erent because their research is well received by the community therefore they need non change or irritate about it or researchers may perceive their practice as science and wish to adopt as their methodology what they perceive to be the methodology used by scientists, henceforth referred to as the received scienti c methodology. Roughly, the received scienti c methodology consistsof several steps (1) observations or preliminary studies, (2) surmise formation, (3) hypothesis testing, (4) hypothesis evaluation, and (5) hypothesis acceptance or excreteion. It is asserted that results of research discovered by this methodology lead to employ research and subsequently, to practical impact. In contrast to this assertion, it is proclaimed that the goal of this methodology is to advance knowledge for its feature sake and non address practical needs nor be responsible for delivering practical results. Most researchers would rarely quest ion this methodology, however since it is im feasible to follow or even hard to approximate, researchers who would claim to pay off follow it, would not practice it.Indi erence may be caused by ignorance often researchers are not familiar with the inside infoof, and the controversies about, the received scienti c methodology. They are unaware of the alternatives of this methodology that we brie y mention later, their practice, and consequences. In fact, most researchers get wind methodology as a fancy synonym for method, while methodology is (or attempts to approximate) a compatible assemblage of assumptions and goals underlying methods, the methods, and the way the results of carrying the methods out are interpreted and evaluated. The ability to validate the attainment of research assumptions and goals through and through the evaluations is a deprecative factor in making the supra collection compatible. The di erence in nastyings assigned to the precondition methodology s pate be illustrated through an example from morphological optimisation. One research method of structural design involves the development of optimization procedures and their testings on benchmark problems. Most researchers will call this method research methodology. However, the assumptions underlying such work (e.g., that optimization is a good model of structural design) and its testing (e.g., that bottomdid benchmark problems are representatives of the complex structural designs performed by designers), or the believe that such research advances practice (e.g., that designers use optimization programs developed in research and that designers practice bene ts from them), are rarely articulated hencerarely validated.If these issues would be addressed, the conclusions would probably contradict those implicit assumptions. First, independent of any discipline, optimization is a actually restricted entrance of design (even with love to Simons (1981) restricted shot). Second, results obtained on simple benchmark problems do not necessarily transfer to rattling design problems nor do they re ect carrying out on other benchmark problems (Haftka and Sobieski, 1992) simple benchmark comparisons provide little understanding of the relative merit of di erent optimization procedures (Burns, 1989). Third, practiti wholenessrs are very reluctant to use optimization procedures (Adelman, 1992 Haftka and Sobieski, 1992). This reluctance contradicts the implicit or taked research goals of upward(a) structural design practice.Indi erence or ignorance towards research methodology relieve researchers from addressing such contradictions or exercising aware choices between methodologies in their research. Many researchers simply follow the method of their close senior peers without questioning or even knowing the assumptions that underlie it. In most cases, only the methodthe actual research military fillis transferred to research apprentices. Thus, driven by soci al proximity, research assumptions become part of the implicit unarticulated research culture.Infrequently, this estate of a airs had called the attention of researchers. In 1987, two representative papers critical of the state of design research practice were published, one by Antonsson (1987) and the other by Dixon (1987). Both papers advocated adopting the scienti c methodology in design research either for meliorate research quality or for up(p) design practice. These and other related papers elicit almost no response from the research community. Since their publication, the state of design research methodology has remained virtually unchanged. Such reaction raises at least two questions what may have caused this response and if this is an expected reaction, is the state of research methodology worth additional discussions? Two glib answers that originate from two di erent interpretations of Dixon and Antonssons papers justify bring forward discussions.First, Dixon and Anto nssons positions may have been interpreted as criticizing the talented de ciency of research and demanding from researchers to exercise a methodology di erent from the one they actually use and one that requires additional e ort. In particular, the methodology Transactions of the ASME, ledger of mechanistic Design, 1995, in pressproposed demanded researchers to seriously test their hypotheses. It mightiness have been expected that such requests would be opposed to or, worst, be ignored. Second, researchers who are familiar with current views in the philosophy of science may have treated Dixon or Antonssons positions as being too simpli ed if they interpreted these positions as advocating for the received scienti c view. Since the stated goal of science is creating knowledge for the sake of knowing, but not necessarily knowledge that is relevant to practice, the received scienti c methodology may hinder improving practice by detaching the products of research (i.e., design theor ies) from actual practice (Argyris, 1980 Reich, 1992). According to this interpretation and its limitation, previous calls for improving research methodology could not have impacted design practice even if researchers had adopted them. If design practice is indeed a goal of design research, di erent methodologies may be needed to establish a connection between research and practice (Reich et al, 1992 Reich, 1994a Reich, 1994b). These methodologies can evolve in various ways including analyze researchers activities and the way these activities correlate with research progress, thereby identifying the relationships between di erent assumptions, methods, and consequences.I have no intention to portion out between these two interpretations or to develop others but to explain how to improve research practice without presumptuous a xed methodology. To start with, we must acknowledge that there are di ering views about scienti c methodology (Kourany, 1987). In addition, we mustacknowledg e studies on science and technology demonstrating that scienti c progress is in uenced by social, cultural, and semipolitical factors. Researchers in various sciences are increasingly acknowledging that knowledge is socially constructed (Pickering, 1992), and knowledge of design, in particular (Konda et al, 1992 monarch et al, 1993). Moreover, the social in uence on research practice includes aspects such as shaping research goals correspond to available grants or unarticulated interests publishing papers to receive tenure or to justify travelling to conferences and fraud (Bell, 1992 Broadbent, 1981).The rst studies on the social dimensions of science analyzed the progress of the hard sciences such as chemical science or physics (Feyerabend, 1975 Kuhn, 1962). More recently, historical or re ective studies in science and engineering have begun addressing the social aspects underlying research and the need for di erent methodologies if practical impact is sought. These discipline s include management science (Argyris, 1980), pedagogy (Guba, 1990), public policy (Palumbo and Calista, 1990), information systems (Bjerknes et al, 1987), cell biology (Grinnell, 1982), design in general (Broadbent, 1981), structural design (Addis, 1990 Timoshenko, 1953), solid mechanics (Bucciarelli and Dworsky, 1980), and even mathematics (DeMillo et al, 1979). Moreover, the social aspects manifested themselves in unexpected circumstances and in solution seemingly trivial issues such as the implementation of computer arithmetic (MacKenzie, 1993)the most basic nucleotide for much engineering design research and practice.The importance of the aforementioned studies is twofold. First, they reject the received scienti c view as the means for formulating theories and as a means for improving practice. Second, they acknowledge and demonstrate that research methodology is a subject of study and constant improvement, and that gaining insight into the procedures of doing research can i mprove research itself. Since science is a social enterprise, the study of research methodology is mandatory for providing guidance in the maze of methodologies and in monitoring the quality of research. In order to sustain credibility, researchers must use and demonstrate that the techniques they develop in design research have some relevance to practice. Moreover, since fundingagencies Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, 1995, inpress researchers to work towards improving design practice ( matter Research Council, 1991), researchers need to understand what kinds of studies are effectual in practice, how are such studies conducted within budget limits, and which factors account for the di usion of studies results into practical engineering.2 Studying research methodologyResearchers may nd it fruitful to study the objectives or goals of engineering design research how can these objectives be ful lled through research how can progress towards research goals be te sted and how can this overall change be improved. Such study will evolve a repository of methods with their assumptions, interpretations, successes and miserys. This is the essence of poring over engineering design research methodology.This view does not advocate for nor lead to anarchy. Furthermore, the evolving nature of methodology does not empty the usefulness of some principles for evaluating scienti c theories (e.g., such as those acknowledged even by Kuhn, 1987), nor does it mean that methodology is merely an art (Beveridge, 1957) that is not amenable to systematic study. It only acknowledges that the assumptions underlying methodologies and their potential e ectiveness and drawbacks for conducting certain types of research projects must be studied. We now illustrate the study of research methodology by elaborating some issues related to Antonssons six-step methodology (1987, p. 154). Each of the steps raises issues that need further study. These issues are not galvanize some are familiar while others are not. Unfortunately, most of them are neglected all too often.(1),(2) Propose/hypothesize that a set of rules for design can elucidate partof the design process and develop those rules. Several questions arise about the actual execution of this activity. What is a good source of such rules? ar (un)successful designs (Petroski, 1989 Suh, 1990), patents previously issued (Arciszewski, 1988) or design textbooks (Aguirre and Wallace, 1990) good sources? Is studying human designers useful (Subrahmanian, 1992)? The answer is evidently a rmative nevertheless, rarely are these sources consulted. If studying human designers is useful, how do di erent ways of studying a ect the usefulness of the rules hypothesized? Inarguably, such studies bring to bear research methods from psychology and sociology into play in design research. For example, how are designers activities being coded in observational studies? Is the coding scheme tested for reliability by us ing at lease two coders? Are the results statistically valid? Which criteria may be used for selecting candidate hypotheses for further testing? Can the subjective bias in this selection be reduced?Note that the above questions raise a related question. Consider trading the quality of the design rules proposed with the resources to nd them. What kind of information is needed for making a sensible trade o and how can this information be cool and organized? (3) Have tyro designers learn the rules and apply them.How is the above learning process taking taper? Are the designers being taught thus introducing teachers bias? Or do they learn the rules on their own, potentially by solving Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, 1995, in pressother design problems, thereby excluding the exercise of some measure of control? How are problems selected such that novice designers can solve them yet such that they are relevant to real practice. For that matter, how relevant is an y laboratory experiment to real design? This critical question leads researchers in other disciplines as well as in design to use unlikemethods such as ethnography and participatory research while studying designers. See (Reich et al, 1992 Subrahmanian, 1992 Reich, 1994a) for additional details.Are benchmark problems used by di erent researchers to allow for the replication of results? Is performance on benchmark problems indicative of performance on other problems or on real design? Is it possible to replicate results relevant to real design? Can rules for multidisciplinary design be hypothesized and tested in the same manner? If the familiar view of science is adopted, this study must be controlled to be valid. One minimal requirement is that another root of designers participate in the study, potentially novice designers that did not study the new design rules. Note, however, that since the rst group of novice designers are trained with the new rules, the second group must rece ive similar training with indifference or irrelevant rules. Furthermore, members of the groups must not know which group was trained with the new rules. A better study may also include two groups of expert designers, one that learns the rules and another that learns the default rules. The latter(prenominal) may provide better indication about the relative merit of the new design rules with respect to existing design practice. In contrast, if the study follows a di erent methodology such as participatory research (Reich et al, 1992 Whyte, 1991), the nature of the study would change signi cantly into long-term case studies where real design problems are addressed. Exercising common scienti c methods in this methodology may damage research (Blumberg and Pringle, 1983). (4) Measure the design productivity of the rules.How is productivity being measured? Which criteria are included in the measurement quality of design, time to design, or revenue enhancement of manufacturer? Do the mea sures used adhere to the principles of measurement conjecture (Roberts, 1979 Reich, 1995), or are they ad hoc and unimportant?Do independent designers than those who created the designs, or do potential customers, participate in this measurement?Can the quality of design be assessed without manufacturing it and subjecting it to actual use? How relevant will abstract measurements be to practicaldesign? Is the measurement quantitative or is qualitative information being gathered as well? (5) assess the results to con rm or refute the hypothesis. How is the measured data evaluated? What are the criteria that determine whether a hypothesis was con rmed or refuted? Are these criteria general or context dependent? Note that most philosophers of science including Popper and Kuhn reject the existence of such criteria (Weimer, 1979).Are the criteria correlated with real design? That is, could not researchers nd designers successfully employing design rules that were refuted by researchers ? For example, Fritts et al. (1990, p. 478) describe engineers using theories that produce erroneous results with respect to experiments but that have a matter-of-fact utility of di erentiating between candidate designs.Are hypotheses really refuted or con rmed or are di erent hypotheses effect to be useful Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Mechanical Design, 1995, in pressin different contexts?When is it possible to disregard experimental evidence in favor of keeping a hypothesis (Agassi, 1975)? When can experiments be harmful to progress (Truesdell, 1982)? Does a failure of a hypothesis constitute a failure of a research project or can it provide useful information worth reporting? give archival journals publish such a report? (6) Re ne the hypothesis. The comments on items (1) and (2) apply here. Moreover, How does one diagnose a faulty hypothesis to accommodate confirmable testing? When is re nement insu cient to address the failure of a hypothesis and a new worldview mus t be adopted? The above expansion of Antonssons aim re ects the complexity, richness, and necessity of studying research methodology. It illustrates that the design of a research activity is complex and di cult. It hints thatsome activities that lead to research successes may fail other research and that some activities may not be compatible with some methodologies. Furthermore, research failures (OR SUCCESSES) can lead to practical successes (or failures). Therefore, it is critical to identify where methods fail or succeed and in relation to which assumptions.Summary wisdom does not progress according to a typical methodology, nor could engineering design research especially not if the goal is advancing design practice and not some abstract understanding. Di erent research scenarios consisting of di erent goals, disciplines, and cultural settings, may call for di erent research methodologies for attaining the stated goals. Research involves design and therefore design researchers must be re ective continuously. This paper illustrated how researchers can be re ective upon their research methodology. If researchers object to such re ection, they risk losing credibility and, more importantly, lose the chance of discovering whether their work is meaningful.AcknowledgmentsThe ideas explicit in this paper bene ted from discussions with Suresh Konda, Sean Levy, Shoulamit Milch-Reich, Ira Monarch, and Eswaran Subrahmanian. This work was done partly while the author was with the Department of civilized and Environmental plan, Duke University, Durham, NC. and the Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.ReferencesAddis, W. (1990). 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