Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Rules and regulations on the conduct and discipline Essay Example for Free
Rules and regulations on the conduct and discipline Essay For the guidance of all concerned, the following rules and regulations on the conduct and discipline of students are hereby promulgated: a. Basis of Discipline Students shall at all times observe the laws of the land, rules and regulations of the Bicol University, and the standards of good society. b. General Rules and Regulations The following studentââ¬â¢s rules govern the conduct and discipline of students: 1. Any student who commits any misbehavior in the University premises or outside the University when acting in his capacity as a representative of the University, shall subject to disciplinary action in accord with the schedule of sanctions set by the University. 2. The Bicol University is a smoke-free campus. Smoking shall not be allowed in the University premises. 3. Students are required to attend academic University activities that are conducted within the University. 4. Students of this University are free to participate in co-curricular activities and to express their views and positions in public questions/issues subject to the following conditions: a. Their participation shall excuse them only for the time missed in class and shall not excused them from fulfilling other requirements by the University, and b. Their participation shall be their own personal responsibility. 5. No play, skit, farce or any other similar act shall be staged or presented outside the University without the previous authorization and approval of the Dean of the College/Unit. 6. Only BU student organization duly recognized by the Office of the Student Service during the current school year may be allowed to publish and distribute written materials, or put up posters, signs, streamers, and the like. Each copy (and each page) of the proposed written materials must be submitted to the Office of Student Services/Coordinator Student Activities for verification and stamping of the words ââ¬Å"Approved for Posting/Distribution- Dean of Student Services/Coordinator Student Activitiesâ⬠as a requirements before distribution or display. 7. No student may participate in an outside activity, contest, play, band, orchestra, choir conference, congress,à association, club and similar groups as a representative of Bicol University without being so authorized in writing by the Dean of the College/Unit. Participation of students in such activities in their personal capacities is not contemplated in this reservation, provided, however, that in this case the Universi ty shall not be responsible for any consequence arising therefrom. 8. No student or organization seeking to sponsor any social event or activity associated with the University may make use of the institutional name of the University unless he/she is authorized to do so. Generally, use of the institutional name by any student or group off- campus is prohibited. Permission for such solicitation may, on exceptional cases, be obtained in writing from the Dean of the College/Unit. 9. Students should wear the prescribed uniform of the College while inside the campus. 10. Validated I.D Cards must be worn all the time within the school premises. The validated card should be used in all transactions in and out the University. Any student who fails to produce validated I.D Cards upon demand by any member of the faculty or any schools authority or security guard, may not be admitted to class or inside campus. 11. Students should help keep the building and campus clean at all times. Trash cans and similar receptacles should be used. Littering and writing on the walls, doors or any property of the University is prohibited. 12. Students should handle funds; mail matter or any important papers entrusted to them either by the University or any of the student organizations with utmost care and responsibility. 13. All funds accruing the students organization must be deposited in a reputable bank. At the end of every semester the bank book reflecting the financial assets to the organization must be deposited with the college/unit Cashier for safekeeping. 14. Permission for co-curricular activity, i.e. field trips, educational/observation tours, and extra-curricular activity i.e., conventions, seminar conducted within the Region should be obtained one week in advance and for activities outside the Region two weeks in advance from the University President through the Dean College/Unit, Dean of Student Services and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The requesting party before joining any out of campus activity should meet the following requirements. DEFINITION OF TERMS: a. BULLYING. This refers to any act which causes upon the student emotional, physical or psychological stress making him/her feel lonely and unsafe or to think that there is something wrong with him/her or to lose the studentââ¬â¢s confidence and to become disinterested in attending classes. b. CARRYING WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY PREMISES FIREARMS OR DANGEROUS OR DEADLY WEAPONS. Carrying any weapon which can kill, including but not limited to: Firearms, even if licensed, knife, blunt instrument, clubs. c. CONVICTION OF A CRIME INVOLVING MORAL TURPITUDE. Conviction in any court of a crime having an inherent quality of corruptness, vileness, or depravity with respect to a personââ¬â¢s duty to another or to society in general; such as but not limited to : rape. Falsification of official documents. d. CREATING DISORDER, TUMULT, BREACH OF THE PEACE OR SERIOUS DISTURBANCE WITHIN THE UNIVERISTY.à Any act designed to any serious disturbance within the University premises, office, classroom, hall or shall interrupt or disturb performance, functions or gatherings, peaceful meetings within the University premises. e. DEFACING, DAMAGING OR DESTROYING ANY PROPERTY OF BICOL UNIVERSITY OR OF WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY. Any willful behavior aimed at destroying, altering, or defacing property of Bicol University or of its employees and guests. Possession of the means to commit vandalism, including possession of a drill bit, glass cutter, or other substance (like spray paint) within University premises without proper clearance from the College Dean/Director shall be prima facie evidence of such offense. f. DISCOURTESY TO SUPERIOR. Any discourtesy by words or by deeds committed by a student towards a student-leader, a Bicol University official or personnel (teaching and non-teaching). g. DISGRACEFUL AND IMMORAL CINDUCT. Any scandalous behavior or act contrary to established moral principles committed inside or outside of BU premises which will cause disrepute to Bicol University. Petting, necking or any sexual conduct done with the University premises, inside or outside of classrooms. h. DISHONESTY. The act of concealing or distorting truth, showing a lack of integrity or a character to defraud, cheat, deceive or betray and an intent to violate the truth. h.1. SERIOUS DISHONESTY. Involve the presence of any one of the following attendant circumstances: a) The dishonest act caused serious damage and grave prejudice to Bicol University; b) In order to commit the dishonest act, the respondent gravely abused his authority; c) Where the respondent is an accountable office in any University/College Based Organization, the dishonest act directly involves property, accountable forms or money for which he directly accountable and the respondent shows an intent to commit material gain, graft and corruption. d) The dishonest act of the respondent exhibits moral depravity; e) In the commission of the dishonest act, fraud or falsification of official documents was employed; f) The dishonest act was committed several times or in various occasion; or g) The dishonest act involves Bicol University examination irregularity or fake Bicol University admission eligibility such as impersonation, and cheating. h.2. LESS SERIOUS DISHONESTY. The dishonest act caused damage and prejudice to Bicol University that is not so serious as to qualify under Serious Dishonesty, orà where the respondent is a student leader who did not take advantage of his/her position in any University/College Based Organization in committing dishonest act. h.3.SIMPLE DISHONESTY. Dishonest acts that did not cause damage or prejudice to Bicol University as well as those within no direct relation to or do not involve the duties and responsibilities of the respondent; and where the information falsified is not related to his office as a student leader or status as a student of this University in case of falsification of official document. i. DRINKING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES OR MANIFESTING DRUNKEN BEHAVIOR WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY PREMISES. Possession of intoxicating liquors or any beverages shall be prima facie evidence of the commission of this offense. j. FALSIFICATION OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. Any untruthful entries I official documents committed thru alteration, deletion, superimposition, intercalation, or any misinterpretation. Official documents shall include birth certificate, official transcript of records. Library card, school ID. Studentââ¬â¢s clearance, diploma, and other documents issued by or submitted to Bicol University. k. GAMBLING. Any unauthorized betting of money or something of material value within the University premises. l. HAZING OF ANY VARIETY INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE PREMISES OF THE BISCOL UNIVERSITY BY ANY FRATERNITY OR INDIVIDUAL OR A GROUP REPRESENTING AN ACCREDITED BU ORGANIZATION. An initiation rite or practice as a prerequisites for admission into membership in a fraternity, sorority or organization by placing the recruit, neophyte or applicant in some embarrassing of humiliating situations such as forcing him to do menial, silly, foolish and other similar task or otherwise subjecting him to physical or psychological suffering or injury. (Sec. 1, RA 8049) m. MALVERSATION /UNLAWFUL DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY OR A GUEST OF THE UNIVERSITY. Any student who, by reason of the duties of his office, is accountable for studentââ¬â¢s fund or property, shall appropriate the same or shall take or misappropriate or shall consent, through abandonment or negligence shall permit any other person to take such students funds, or property, wholly or partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of the misappropriation or malversation of such funds or property. n. MISCONDUCT. Such act affecting performance of his duties as a student and/or an officer of any University/College Based Organization and not such only as affects his character as a privateà individual. n.1. GRAVE MISCONDUCT. Acts which manifest elements of corruption, clear intent to violate the law or openly disregarding established rules of Bicol University. n.2. SIMPLE MISCONDUCT. Any form of concealment not falling within the definition of dishonesty; or any violation of University/College Rules and Regulations. o. Photo or Video Voyeurism. An act of taking photo or video coverage of a person or group of persons performing sexual acts or any similar activity or of capturing an image of the private area of a person or persons without the latterââ¬â¢s consent, under circumstances in which such person/s has/have a reasonable expectation of privacy, or act of selling, copying, reproducing, broadcasting, sharing, showing or exhibiting the photo or video coverage or recordings of such sexual act or similar activity through VCD/DVD, internet, cellular phones and similar means or device without the written consent of the person/s involved, notwithstanding that consent to record or to take photo or video coverage of same was given by such persons (Sec 3(d) of RA 9993). p. PLAGIARISM. The act of copying anotherââ¬â¢s words/works and passing it off as oneââ¬â¢s own original creation. q. POSSESSION OF DANGEROUS DRUGS OR CHEMICALS. Possession of dangerous drugs or chemicals as defined in Republic Act No. 9165. r. SEXUAL HARASSMENT. An act, or a series of acts, involving any unwelcome sexual advance, demand or request for sexual favor, or other verbal or physical behavior of sexual nature, committed by any person who, having authority, influence or moral ascendancy over another in training or educational-related environment of the person complained of, without regards as to whether such advance, demands or request is accepted by the other. The foregoing acts may be committed among peers such as those involving studentââ¬âstudent, and those committed towards a faculty member or employed by a student, whether of the same or opposite sexes. (Sec. 2, Bicol University Rules and Regulation in Administrative Cases of Sexual Harassment and Similar Offenses) s. STALKING. An intentional act committed by a student who, knowingly and without lawful justification, follows a fellow student or places the latter under surveillance directly or indirectly or a combination thereof. (Modified definition taken R.A. No. 926) t. THEFT. The taking, with intent to gain butà without violence against or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, of property of Bicol University, its employees, students and guests, without the latterââ¬â¢s consent; or the failure to deliver found lost items to University authorities or to its owner. u. UNAUTHORIZED SOLICITATION OF CONTRIBUTION/DONATION USING THE NAME OF THE UNIVERSITY.Any request for support to any individual or organization, monetary or otherwise, in the name of Bicol University without prior written permit from the College Dean and University President. v. VIOLATION OF SCHOOL RULES AND REGULATIONS. Disobedience to University/College rules and regulation. d. College/Unit Disciplinary Committee 1. All cases involving discipline of students and violation of rules and regulations of the College/Unit committed within its premises shall be subject to the jurisdiction of College/Unit Disciplinary Committee. 2. Investigation of cases falling under the jurisdiction of a College/Unit shall be conducted by a committee of five (5) members. The College/Unit Disciplinary Committee shall be composed of: 1. The Coordinator of College Student Activities as a Chairperson. 2. The President of the Faculty Club of the College as a Co-Chairperson. 3. The President of the College Student Council or his duly authorized representative, as member. 4. The Department Chair as member. 5. A student representative designed by the USC, as a member, and, 6. The Guidance Counselor, as non-voting member. e. The University Student Disciplinary Tribunal 1. All cases involving discipline of students could be elevated on appeal to the University Student Disciplinary Tribunal, which shall be composed of: a.The University Legal Officer as Chairperson. b.The Dean of OSS as Co-Chairperson. c.The Concerned Department Chair, as member. d.The CSC President or his/her duly authorized representative from the college wherethe subject(s)/students(s) is/are enrolled, as member. e.Theà Chairperson of the University Student Council or his duly authorized representative, as a member, and f.The University Guidance Counselor, as non-voting member. f. Disciplinary Procedures 1. Disciplinary procedures shall commence upon the filing of a written report to the Dean of the College/Unit by the instructor or any school authority who apprehends a student committing any of the acts enumerated in Section ââ¬Å"Câ⬠. It may also be commenced by the offended party upon filing a written complaint under oath specifying the act or omission constituting the misconduct. 2. The Dean of the College/Unit then refers to the matter to College/Unit Disciplinary Committee which shall convene not later than three (3) days after filing of the case. (The College Disciplinary Committee of different college/unit shall formulate guidelines that will govern the conduct of the proceedings). They shall likewise be responsible to inform in writing the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student/s allegedly involved in the case. A student under administrative investigation shall have the following rights: a.The student must be informed in writing of the nature and cause of any accusation against him/her; b.That he shall have the right to answer the charge against him/her with the assistance of counsel, if desired; c. That he/she shall be informed of the evidence against him/her; d. That he/she shall have the right to adduce evidence in his/her behalf; and, e.The evidence must have been duly considered by the investigating committee or officials designated by the school authorities to hear and decide the case. 3. The decision of the College Disciplinary Committee shall become final and executory unless within five(5) days from notice of the decision, the aggrieved party,not satisfied with the decision, appeals to the University Student Disciplinary Tribunal. 4. The University Student Disciplinary Tribunal shall review the decision of the College/Unit Disciplinary Committee based on the records/minutes of the proceeding. The tribunal under certain cases may require the receipt of other pieces of evidence. 5. Decision imposing disciplinary action upon the student shall be reported to his/her parent(s), guardian(s) not later than five (5) working days after the case has been promulgated. 6. The University Student Disciplinary Tribunal shall meet not later than ten (10) working days fromà the receipt of the notice of appeal. (The University Student Disciplinary Tribunal shall formulates rules and guidelines that will govern the conduct of the proceedings). 7. The decision of the University Student Disciplinary Tribunal shall become final and executory unless within ten (10) working days from notice of the decision, the aggrieved party not satisfied with the decision, appeals to the Board of Regents, through the President. 8. The Board of Regent shall review the decision of the University Student Disciplinary Tribunal based on the records/minutes of the proceeding. The Board under certain cases may require the receipt of other pieces of evidence. g. Grievance Procedure In order to assure the students the right to redress of grievance, the OSS is responsible for a grievance procedure involving non-academic affair. Any student may file a question, complaint or statement in the OSS in person or in writing. A course of action will be taken within five days after filing. If the OSSââ¬â¢s course of action is not acceptable, the same complaint or statement of grievance could be elevated to the University Grievance Committee designated by the President, composed of: University Legal Office Chair Dean of the College where the complainantis enrolled Co-Chair CSC President or his/her representative Member USC President or his/her representative Member h. Academic Grievance Council Students have the responsibility and right to call the attention of a professor on any grade with the students believe to be in error. Students may appeal in this order: to the Department Chairman, then to the Dean, if the problem is not resolved at the College Level, the student may appeal to the University Grievance Council lodged at the VPAA. i. Studentsââ¬â¢ Right Article 277. Subject to the limitation prescribed by law and the Universityà policies and regulations, the right of every student in the University are as follows: a. Every student has the right to receive relevant quality education in line with national/regional goals, educational objectives and standards of the University. b. Every student is entitled to guidance services to enable him to know himself, to make decisions and to select from the alternatives in the fields of works in line with his potentials. c. Every student shall in exercise of the constitutional guarantees of the free speech and press, have the right to express and pursue his opinion on any subject, provided that the expression and dissemination of such views do not disrupt the work and discipline of the University. d. Every student shall have the right to receive a copy of every paid publication. e. Every student shall have the right to participate in the formulation and development of policies affecting the Uni versity in relation to the locality/region and nation through representation in the appropriate body/bodies of the University as elsewhere determined in this Code. f. Every student shall have the right to establish, join and participate in organizations and societies not contrary to the law. g. Every student shall have the right to receive reasonable protection within the University premises. h. Every student shall have the right to be informed of the University rules and regulations affecting him. i. Every student have the right to participate in curricular and co-curricular activities. j. Every student is entitled to be respected as a person with human dignity, to full physical, social, moral and intellectual development and to human and healthful conditions of learning. No student shall be subjected to exploitation, involuntary servitude nor cruel or unusual punishment k. Every student shall have the right to redress of grievances against any wrong or injustices committed against him and/or other students by any member of the academic community in accordance with the defined channels of authority therein. l. No student shall be subjected to disciplinary action without due process. m. Every student shall have the right to access to his class and other records for the purpose of determining his class standing and the University shall maintain and preserve such records. n. Every student officially admitted by the University has the right to continue and pursue his course study therein up to graduation, except in cases of academic delinquency and violation of disciplinary regulations. o. Every student shall have the right to beà assisted by the University through current and adequate information on work opportunities. p. Every student shall be entitled to expeditious issuance of certificates, diplomas, transcript of records, grades and transfer credentials. j. Duties and Responsibility of Students Every student regardless of the circumstances of his birth, sex, religion, social status and other factors shall: a. uphold the integrity and good name of the University; b. strive to lead an upright, virtuous and useful life; c. love, respect, and obey his parents, and cooperate with them to keep the family harmonious and united; d. exert his utmost to develop his potentials for service, particularly by undergoing an education suited to his abilities in order that he may become an asset to himself and to society. e. respect the customs and traditions of his country and the principles of democracy; f. participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of general welfare; g. help in the observance and exercise of individual and social rights, the strengthening of freedom everywhere, the fostering of cooperation among nations in the pursuit of progress and world peace; h. respect and cooperate with the faculty, fellow students and University authorities in the attainment and preservation of order in the University and in the society; and i. exercise his rights responsibly with the due regard for the right of others.
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